Jin Zhou, Yuying Luo, Julia W. Darcy, Kyle J. Lafata, Jose R Ruiz, Sonia Grego. "Long-term, automated stool monitoring using a novel smart toilet: A feasibility study." Neurogastroenterology & Motility, 2025 Jan; 37(1):e14954. doi: 10.1111/nmo.14954. Epub 2024 Nov 1.2024.
Laura Morrison, Caleb Milliken, Mara Shurgot, Sonia Grego, Saranya Rajamanickam, Sudha Ramalingam. "Women's toilet use behaviors and water use in a urine diversion squat pan toilet pilot." Journal of Water, Sanitation & Hygiene for Development 14(9), (2024).
August H. Young, Nico Hotz, Brian T. Hawkins and Zbigniew J. Kabala. "Inducing Deep Sweeps and Vortex Ejections on Patterned Membrane Surfaces to Mitigate Surface Fouling." Membranes 14(1), 21 (2024).
Subramani P, Basil M., Rosario P., Jalaja D.R., Choudhary V., Renganathan J, Philip L., Cho K, Welling C., Grego S. and Cid C. "Water recycling public toilet based on onsite electrochemical wastewater treatment." Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, (2023).
Praveen Rosario, Thamayanthi Seenivasan, Ramya Viswash, Sudha Ramalingam, Viswa Barani, Claire M. Welling, Sonia Grego. "Impact of heat-treatment on wastewater analytical parameters." Water Science and Technology, (2023).
Sonia Grego. "The humble toilet is an opportunity for sustainable water reuse." Nature Water 1, (2023).
Brian Hawkins. "Editorial." Water and Environment Journal (2023).
Sonia Grego, Claire M. Welling, Graham H. Miller, Peter F. Coggan, Katelyn L. Sellgren, Brian T. Hawkins, Geoffrey S. Ginsburg, Jose R. Ruiz, Deborah A. Fisher, and Brian R. Stoner. "A hands-free stool sampling system for monitoring intestinal health and disease." Scientific Reports 12, no. 1 (2022).
Mariana M. Vasquez, Kayana J. Tyson, Brian T. Hawkins, and Lena Trotochaud. "Integration of silicate minerals for ammonium and phosphate removal with an on-site wastewater treatment prototype." PLOS Water 1, no. 9 (2022): e0000048.
Claire Welling, David R. Singleton, Steven B. Haase, Christian H. Browning, Brian R. Stoner, Claudia K. Gunsch, and Sonia Grego. "Predictive values of time-dense SARS-CoV-2 wastewater analysis in university campus buildings." Science of The Total Environment (2022): 155401.
Prateek Kachoria, Sarani Sasidaran, Claire M. Welling, Praveen Rosario, Jin Zhou, Krishnendu Chakrabarty, Harald Gründl, Lotte Kristoferitsch, and Sonia Grego. "Sensor-based evaluation of a Urine Trap toilet in a shared bathroom." Science of The Total Environment 857 (2022): 159178.
Sonia Grego, Jin Zhou, Krishnendu Chakrabarty, Jose R. Ruiz, Deborah A. Fisher, and Brian R. Stoner. "Automated Stool Image Analysis By Artificial Intelligence In a Smart Toilet." In Gastroenterology, S-582- S-583. Vol. 160. 2021.
K.L Sellgren, Blessing Makununika, Brendon Lynch, Santiago Septien, Konstantina Velkushanova, Jon Pocock, Mikayla Stoner, Tate Rogers, Jeff Piascik, Chris Buckley et al. "Drying Kinetics Characteristics of Human Fecal Matter For the Development of Onsite Sanitation Technologies." The Journal of Solid Waste Technology and Management 47, no. 1 (2021): 120-130.
Marielle DuToit, Edgard Ngaboyamahina, and Mark Wiesner. "Pairing electrochemical impedance spectroscopy with conducting membranes for the in situ characterization of membrane fouling." Journal of Membrane Science 618 (2021): 118680.
Sarani Sasidaran, Prateek Kachoria, Antony Raj, Sudha Ramalingam, Brian R. Stoner, Katelyn L. Sellgren, and Sonia Grego. "Physical properties of menstrual hygiene waste as feedstock for onsite disposal technologies." Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development (2021).
Praveen Rosario, Ramya Viswash, Thamayanthi Seenivasan, Sudha Ramalingam, Katelyn L. Sellgren, Sonia Grego, and Lena Trotochaud. "Potential Pitfalls in Wastewater Phosphorus Analysis and How to Avoid Them." Environmental Health Insights 15 (2021).
Jin Zhou, Nick DeCapite, Jackson McNabb, Jose R. Ruiz, Deborah A. Fisher, Sonia Grego, and Krishnendu Chakrabarty. Stool Image Analysis for Precision Health Monitoring by Smart Toilets In Machine Learning for Healthcare. Vol. 149. Virtual: Proceedings of Machine Learning Research , 2021.
C. Niven, C. B. Parker, S. D. Wolter, M. H. Dryzer, C. B. Arena, B. R. Stoner, and E. Ngaboyamahina. "Deactivation of Ascaris suum eggs using electroporation and sequential inactivation with chemical disinfection." Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development (2020).
M. M. Vasquez, and E. Ngaboyamahina. "Electrochemical Modulation of Odorant Molecule: A Study of p-cresol." Journal of The Electrochemical Society 167, no. 13 (2020): 135501.
Claire M. Welling, Sarani Sasidaran, Prateek Kachoria, Sarah Hennessy, Brendon J. Lynch, Stephanie Teleski, Hitendra Chaudhari, Katelyn L. Sellgren, Brian R. Stoner, Sonia Grego et al. "Field testing of a household-scale onsite blackwater treatment system in Coimbatore, India." Science of The Total Environment (2020): 136706.
Siva Kumar Varigala, Meghan Hegarty-Craver, Srinivas Krishnaswamy, Prakash Madhavan, Milan Basil, Praveen Rosario, Antony Raj, Viswa Barani, Clement A. Cid, Sonia Grego et al. "Field testing of an onsite sanitation system on apartment building blackwater using biological treatment and electrochemical disinfection." Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology (2020).
Myles Elledge, Alison Parker, Anju Toolaram, and Brian Stoner. "A Gender Lens into Sanitation Technology Innovation." Journal of Management in Engineering 36, no. 4 (2020): 06020002.
Lena Trotochaud, Rebecca M. Andrus, Kayana J. Tyson, Graham H. Miller, Claire M. Welling, Patrick E. Donaghy, Joseph D. Incardona, William A. Evans, Paul K. Smith, Tim L. Oriard et al. "Laboratory Demonstration and Preliminary Techno-Economic Analysis of an Onsite Wastewater Treatment System." Environmental Science & Technology (2020).
Siva Varigala, Srinivas Krishnaswamy, Chandra P. Lohia, Meghan Hegarty‐Craver, Sonia Grego, Michael Luettgen, and Clement A. Cid. "Optimal design of an electrochemical reactor for blackwater treatment." Water Environment Research 6210112, no. 333 (2020).
Claire M. Welling, Siva Varigala, Srinivas Krishnaswamy, Antony Raj, Brendon Lynch, Jeffrey R. Piascik, Brian R. Stoner, Brian T. Hawkins, Meghan Hegarty-Craver, Michael J. Luettgen et al. "Resolving the relative contributions of cistern and pour flushing to toilet water usage: Measurements from urban test sites in India." Science of The Total Environment (2020): 138957.
M. H. Dryzer, C. Niven, S. D. Wolter, C. B. Arena, E. Ngaboyamahina, C. B. Parker, and B. R. Stoner. "Electropermeabilization of nematode eggs for parasite deactivation." Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development (2019).
Tapuwa Sahondo, Sarah Hennessy, Rebecca C. Sindall, Hitendra Chaudhari, Stephanie Teleski, Brendon J. Lynch, Katelyn L. Sellgren, Brian R. Stoner, Sonia Grego, and Brian T. Hawkins. "Field testing of a household-scale onsite blackwater treatment system in South Africa." Science of The Total Environment (2019).
Lena Trotochaud, Brian T. Hawkins, and Brian R. Stoner. "Non-biological methods for phosphorus and nitrogen removal from wastewater: A gap analysis of reinvented-toilet technologies with respect to ISO 30500." Gates Open Research (2019): 559.
Akshay S. Raut, Charles B. Parker, Ethan J. D. Klem, Brian R. Stoner, Marc A. Deshusses, and Jeffrey T. Glass. "Reduction in energy for electrochemical disinfection of E. coli in urine simulant." Journal of Applied Electrochemistry (2019).
Jeffrey Piascik, Taylor Myers, Hitendra Chaudhari, Brendon Lynch, Myles Elledge, Brian Grant, Stephanie Teleski, and Brian Stoner. Thermal Treatment Solution for Menstrual Hygiene Sanitary Products . Seattle, Washington, USA: Gates Open Research, 2019.
Gulsum Melike Urper-Bayram, Burcu Sayinli, Nathan Bossa, Edgard Ngaboyamahina, Reyhan Sengur-Tasdemir, Esra Ates-Genceli, Mark Wiesner, and Ismail Koyuncu. "Thin film nanocomposite nanofiltration hollow fiber membrane fabrication and characterization by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy." Polymer Bulletin (2019).
Taylor Myers, Lars Schoebitz, Stuart Woolley, Jaime Sanchez Ferragut, Jimmy Thostenson, Kathy Jooss, Jeffrey Piascik, August Frechette, Nico Hotz, Brian Stoner et al. "Towards an off-grid fecal sludge treatment unit: demonstrating energy positive thermal treatment." Gates Open Research 3:1176 (2019).
Viswa Barani, Meghan Hegarty-Craver, Praveen Rosario, Prakash Madhavan, Prasanna Perumal, Sarani Sasidaran, Milan Basil, Antony Raj, Adrian B. Berg, Andrea Stowell et al. "Characterization of fecal sludge as biomass feedstock in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu." Gates Open Research 2 (2018): 52.
Heidi Vreeland, Christina Norris, Lauren Shum, Jaya Pokuri, Emily Shannon, Anmol Raina, Ayushman Tripathi, Dinesh Borse, Ankit Patel, Pranjal Dixit et al. Collaborative Efforts to Investigate Emissions From Residential and Municipal Trash Burning in India. RTI Press, 2018.
Tate W. Rogers, Tess S. Rogers, Mikayla H. Stoner, Katelyn L. Sellgren, Brendon J. Lynch, Aaron A. Forbis-Stokes, Brian R. Stoner, and Brian T. Hawkins. "A granular activated carbon/electrochemical hybrid system for onsite treatment and reuse of blackwater." Water Research 144 (2018): 553-560.
J.O. Thostenson, R. Mourouvin, B.T. Hawkins, E. Ngaboyamahina, K.L. Sellgren, C.B. Parker, M.A. Deshusses, B.R. Stoner, and J.T. Glass. "Improved blackwater disinfection using potentiodynamic methods with oxidized boron-doped diamond electrodes." Water Research 140 (2018): 191-199.
Brian T. Hawkins, Tate W. Rogers, Christopher J. Davey, Mikayla H. Stoner, Ewan J. McAdam, and Brian R. Stoner. "Improving energy efficiency of electrochemical blackwater disinfection through sequential reduction of suspended solids and chemical oxygen demand." Gates Open Research 231144 (2018): 50.
Katelyn L. Sellgren, Christopher W. Gregory, Ethan J. D. Klem, Jeffrey R. Piascik, and Brian R. Stoner. "Microwave disinfection as a treatment for blackwater from dewatered sludge." Gates Open Research 2:16 (2018).
Brian T. Hawkins, Katelyn L. Sellgren, Enzo Cellini, Ethan J. D. Klem, Tess Rogers, Brendon J. Lynch, Jeffrey R. Piascik, and Brian R. Stoner. "Remediation of suspended solids and turbidity by improved settling tank design in a small-scale, free-standing toilet system using recycled blackwater." Water and Environment Journal (2018).
Laura T. R. Morrison. User-centered guidance for engineering and design of decentralized sanitation technologies, Edited by Anushah Hossain, Myles Elledge, Brian Stoner and Jeffrey Piascik. Research Triangle Park, NC: RTI Press, 2018.
Katelyn Sellgren, Christopher Gregory, Michael Hunt, Ashkay Raut, Brian Hawkins, Charles Parker, Ethan Klem, Jeffrey Piascik, and Brian Stoner. Development of an Electrochemical Process for Blackwater Disinfection in a Freestanding, Additive-Free Toilet. RTI Press, 2017.
Brian T. Hawkins, Katelyn L. Sellgren, Ethan J. D. Klem, Jeffrey R. Piascik, and Brian R. Stoner. "Electrochemical disinfection of repeatedly recycled blackwater in a free-standing, additive-free toilet." Water and Environment Journal 31, no. 4 (2017): 545-551.
James O. Thostenson, Edgard Ngaboyamahina, Katelyn L. Sellgren, Brian T. Hawkins, Jeffrey R. Piascik, Ethan J. D. Klem, Charles B. Parker, Marc A. Deshusses, Brian R. Stoner, and Jeffrey T. Glass. "Enhanced H202 Production at Reductive Potentials from Oxidized Boron-Doped Ultrananocrystalline Diamond Electrodes." ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 9, no. 19 (2017): 16610-16619.
Sonia Grego, Viswa Barani, Meghan Hegarty-Craver, Antony Raj, Prasanna Perumal, Adrian B. Berg, and Colleen Archer. "Soil-transmitted helminth eggs assessment in wastewater in an urban area in India." Journal of Water and Health 16, no. 1 (2017).
Tate Rogers, Brian Stoner, Myles Elledge, Jeff Piascik, Ethan Klem, David Stokes, John Mizia, Brian Hawkins, Katelyn Sellgren, and Laura Morrison. "Development and Field Testing of a Decentralized, Self-Contained Toilet that Converts Human Waste Into Burnable Fuel and Disinfected, Reusable Liquid." Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation 2016, no. 12 (2016): 4466-4476.
Arundati Muralidharan, Myles Elledge, Suneeta Krishnan, Miriam Hartmann, and Brent Rowe. Bring the Change You Want to See: Scripting Women and Girls into India’s Urban Sanitation Actions. RTI Press, 2015.
Miriam Hartmann, Suneeta Krishnan, Brent Rowe, Anushah Hossain, and Myles Elledge. Gender-Responsive Sanitation Solutions in Urban India. RTI Press, 2015.
Nathan Loveldi. Development of a solid human waste semigasifier burner for use in developing countries In Department of Mechanical Engineering. Colorado State University. Libraries, 2014.
A. S. Raut, G. B. Cunningham, C. B. Parker, E. J. D. Klem, B. R. Stoner, M. A. Deshusses, and J. T. Glass. "Disinfection of E. Coli Contaminated Urine Using Boron-Doped Diamond Electrodes." Journal of the Electrochemical Society 161, no. 12 (2014): G81-G85.
A. S. Raut, G. B. Cunningham, C. B. Parker, E. J. D. Klem, B. R. Stoner, M. A. Deshusses, and J. T. Glass. "Electrochemical Disinfection of Human Urine for Water-Free and Additive-Free Toilets Using Boron-Doped Diamond Electrodes." ECS Transactions 53, no. 17 (2013): 1-11.
P. M. Natishan, W. E. O'Grady, F. J. Martin, P. L. Hagans, H. Martin, and B. R. Stoner. "Electrochemical Oxidation of Organic Compounds using Boron-Doped Diamond Electrodes." ECS Transactions 45, no. 17 (2013): 19-30.
Myles Elledge, and Marcella McClatchey. India, urban sanitation, and the toilet challenge. Research Triangle Park, NC: RTI Press, 2013.